An Ode To Love: A Poem By Michael Wharton
To some, love is a romantic stroll on the beach,
To others it’s a destination much harder to reach,
Through immeasurable hedge-maze lined with thorns,
An uphill struggle with bleeding sores and corns,
The few who make it look easy only worsen our plight,
Our efforts feel huge whilst theirs appear so slight,
Like newly hatched turtles crawling to the ocean,
We wrestle with obstacles and constant commotion,
Not all of us survive unscathed on the turbulent journey,
A lot of us frequently end up on the surgical gurney,
Suffering from severe takotsubo cardiomyopathy,
Only relieved by kind ears and anecdotal sympathy,
Not all of our journeys are fraught with such peril,
Some abandon all such efforts and go almost feral,
Hermits from reality shielded behind an Internet gate,
In biology like systems have a tendency to integrate,
They drift through cyberspace searching for happiness,
Filling out questionnaires to find another to caress,
Tirelessly looking for a lover with matching criteria,
“The one” could be sat across the room in works cafeteria,
If there is just one predetermined person for each individual,
How will we know when we find them what is the signal?
Does love just happen by chance or does it have to be made?
What is love? A private matter or a prize to be displayed?
The answers to these questions are not carved in stone,
They are found best in pairs and not discovered alone,
Fare thee well on your journey bumpy as it may be,
May you find the answers that have thus far eluded me,
So I done wrote a poem about love, as it goes I am not an absolute cynic about romance! I am a romantic, I just find romance very difficult. Good luck to all the lovers, even the ones who make it look effortless! This poem was written on the suggestion of Lauren Daley, who is one of those lucky people in a relationship that looks effortless!